• Time…

    I’ve always been fascinated with “time”.  It’s a simple concept really.  The world turns…the hands of the clock go round and round…and time passes.  The movement of time seemingly at a snail’s pace when you’re young and then on the wings of an eagle as time literally flies by as one gets older.  All of a sudden – or so it seems – you’re a grandmother.  You wonder where in the world all that time actually went.  And suddenly you realize there are only so many decades left on this earth…God willing.

    A few weeks ago, I “babysat” my two oldest grandchildren while their dad was at one of the “March Madness” games in Ohio and their mom and younger siblings were at a swim meet in Minneapolis.  A fifteen year old and a seventeen year old just aren’t interested in sitting on bleachers all day and so I was recruited.

    We had a good weekend with a lot of laughter and fun activities.  I had just had my cataract surgery a week before and couldn’t see well enough to drive yet.  And so my seventeen year old grandson chauffeured us wherever we wanted to go.

    On Sunday morning, I climb into the back seat (my idea) and my two firstborn grandchildren sit in the front seat on our way to church.  Just then, I have a flashback:  it is January, 17 years earlier.  I’m in Indiana and it is snowing like crazy.  My daughter is in labor two hours away.  Nothing could have stopped her dad and me from making that journey of course – certainly not a snowstorm or icy, treacherous roads.  Twenty-four hours of labor later on my precious daughter’s part and they are first-time parents.  And I am, at last, a grandmother.


    From the back seat, I observe my seventeen-year-old grandson driving safely.  He and his sister are laughing, chatting about something.  I pick up my cell phone and call my daughter at the swim meet.  I want to check on my granddaughter’s progress in the meet and share the following amazing thought.  When she answers, I say, “you know, I remember the day he was born and here he is seventeen years later driving his grandmother to church!  What happened to all that time?!”

    Tomorrow night is Junior-Senior Prom night.  My grandson and his date and another young couple are having dinner at my daughter’s house.  My daughter volunteered to prepare one of her delicious pasta dishes (with homemade pasta) and homemade rosemary bread.  I’ve had them both and they’re delicious!  I volunteered to make a large tossed green salad and a chocolate éclair cake for dessert.  We’ll get dinner all ready with tablecloth and cloth napkins…and then disappear upstairs…after we take a few pictures of course.


    Another milestone…another track in time. 

    If you’re curious about the number of times I’ve written about the idea of  TIME, go to my earlier blog My Southern Heart and type the word TIME in the blog search bar!

  • April rain and catching up…

    I awoke to the sound of pouring rain this morning, accompanied by distant peals of thunder.  It reminded me of just how much I love rainy days.  I’ve often thought that I would like to be living and sleeping in a farmhouse with a tin roof…although that symphony might actually be a little too loud.  Tempted though I was to roll over and go back to sleep to the tune of the raindrops, I didn’t.  There’s too much to do and, at the moment, too much to tell…catching up on life these past few months.

    When I made the journey back to the Midwest two and a half years ago, I wasn’t sure what the future would hold.  Again, I clung to the promise in Jeremiah 29:11…that my Heavenly Father had a future and a hope for me.  Almost two and a half years later, my life is new all over again.  I’m busy building a life, watching grandchildren grow up, traveling, writing and I’m engaged to be married to a wonderful man late May.  I’m happy and God is good.  The “selfie” below was taken early last Fall on my first trip ever through an Iowa corn maze!


    So much has happened over the last few months…

    Doug returned late January from a once-in-a-lifetime expedition trip to Antarctica with amazing photographs.  We’re in the process of completing a book about his journey with those incredible photos and I will post a link on Amazon when it is finished.  It will be a wonderful addition to your coffee table!  Sharing just a few pics below…







    My daughter and her husband sold their home and moved into a rental which is less than half the size of their house…all for the sake of building their dream farmhouse on six acres in the country.  Their new home will sit on a hill overlooking sixty-two apple trees and a beautiful view of the Iowa countryside.  There is also a big red vintage barn, a stand of black walnut trees, many other trees and a large garden site – which has been tilled and is ready to plant!  Doug helped my daughter and son-in-love this past weekend to put in the posts for a tall “deer fence” around the garden for the wildlife who would insist on their share of the produce!

    I have now completed cataract surgery on both eyes and can alleviate any fears those of you who are anticipating this procedure might have.  Surgery lasts all of about 20 – 30 minutes and there is no pain involved.  There are eye drops to put in your eyes on schedule and the difference in your eyesight is almost immediately recognized.  I will, most likely, still need glasses to read and fine distance focus but that’s all good.  The worst part is not being able to wear eye makeup for three weeks – or six weeks if you’re having both eyes done…but that’s okay too!

    Wishing each of you a blessed and happy day!  Thanks for reading and “catching up” with me…


  • Easter is coming…

    I couldn’t help but think about Mary, the mother of Jesus, this past week as I looked into the face of a beautiful, sleeping baby and held him in my arms.  Could you even imagine holding the Saviour in your arms?  Mary knew who He was.  The angel had appeared to her before conception and she knew this was, indeed, a virgin birth.  Did she think Jesus would grow up to be a carpenter…forever?  I truly wonder what she thought it meant for her baby son to be the Saviour of the world?  The long awaited Saviour.  The sacrificial Lamb of God.  Honestly, I don’t believe the mother of Jesus ever considered a cross for her baby

    Easter is coming.  Whatever troubles us, confuses us, bewilders us or hurts us…Easter is coming.  There’s an answer…thank God.  What has always amazed me is that Almighty God came to us in the form of a helpless infant.  What incredible, perfect love.

    Remember, however, He didn’t remain a baby.  Mary watched Jesus grow up…perfect and wise beyond his years.  Remember when they found him as an older child teaching in the temple?  You know the story.  It’s one of my favorites.

    The destiny of Jesus was the cross…His choice.  Remember, He could have called twelve legions of angels…72,000 angels…to save Him, but He didn’t.  He died for you and me.  Jesus knew He would be resurrected.  He told his disciples just that.  Would you have believed that anyone would arise from the grave after three days?  Would I?  It’s because of this resurrection and the fact that Jesus is indeed alive that you and I have any hope at all, especially the hope of salvation.  Salvation which comes through repentance of our sins and belief in Him.  Read all about it in the incredible gospel of the book of John.  Go brew yourself a cup of coffee or tea, curl up in a chair by the window and read the wonderful book of John from the beginning to the very end.  You’ll be amazed all over again.

    Easter is coming and Jesus is alive…


    Originally published in My Southern Heart on March 30, 2010.

    The featured image above came from this site.

  • Promises…

    This morning began with a chilly three degrees outside.  Snow and patches of ice still cover the ground and tarmac outside.  Thankfully, the thermometer slowly rose to the day’s high of nineteen…but the wind chill made it feel so much colder.  As much as I enjoy opening all the drapes first thing in the morning, today they remained closed.  The goal today was staying warm.  Later this week a heat wave of 45 is predicted!  I look forward to that and will enjoy letting the sunshine in the windows then.


    I’ve been thinking about promises today.  If you’re at all like I am, then you don’t make promises lightly.  Neither does God.  There are amazing promises in the Bible.  One of my favorite promises is found in Jeremiah 29:11.  “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”.  The past two years of my life have held some sadness and a few challenges.  At times,  I confess to wondering what God had in store for me.  Still, I clung to the promise He made in Jeremiah 29:11.  He is faithful and I am thankful!


    Doug left on Sunday for a much anticipated trip to Antarctica!  He made the plans for this once-in-a-lifetime trip to see a part of this world that most of us will never see before the two of us met.  Before he left, he planted the Paperwhite bulbs below for me and placed them on a small table facing the glass door in my kitchen.  As a Master Gardener, he knows far more than I do about plantings, but I could not believe they are “planted” in clean smooth pebbles with barely enough water to cover the pebbles!  Each of the bulbs holds the energy and everything it needs to grow within itself.  Amazing, isn’t it?  There’s a promise within each bulb of the beautiful Paperwhite blossoms they are to become.  Much like the promise you and I hold within each of us!

    So, in the meantime, I will take care of these little bulbs and watch them grow.  I will look forward to stories about Penguins, the amazing beauty of Antarctica and camping on the ice when Doug returns! 




    Note:  The photo of the Paperwhite blooms above is from Wikipedia.  I will post pics of these bulbs when they bloom!

  • A post from my daughter’s heart…

    Each of my children has the gift of writing.   Sometimes with a bit of humor mixed in with the serious.  I wanted to share my daughter’s wonderful post about turning 45 on the 4th of December.  Although it just seems like yesterday to me…


    Turning 45 today….here’s what I’ve learned so far

    For what it’s worth.

    –  Move.  Move. Move.  The older you get the easier it is to begin to live a sedentary life.  Don’t.  Move.  Walk, run, do something.  Because the older you get, the harder it is to shed those pounds.  Tis’ true….unfortunately.

    –  It’s never to late to start something new.  Take up a hobby – like farming.  So what, if people think you’re crazy and are doomed to fail.  What do they know?  They are young and naive. You’re old and wise.  Like Yoda.  Except without the wrinkles.  Okay, maybe some wrinkles.  Well, lots of wrinkles…ugh, now I’m depressed.  Next one….

    –  Skinny jeans.  Don’t go there.  Ever.  Just leave those bad boys on the shelves.  Trust me.  Weren’t made for a 45 year old.  If you do, you’ll look like your going through a mid-life crisis, all squished into those things.  Just back away.

    –  It is completely normal and quite expected for you, the parent, to freak out regarding your teenager.  Totally normal.  It means that you are a loving and caring parent.  You are not the only one whose raised teenagers.

    –  Pray.  Spend a lot of time on your knees.  This goes with the previous one.  Because you are going to need all the help you can get.

    –  Embarrass your children.  Sing Christmas carols LOUD while you shop with them.  Do a mo-town dance while waiting to check out.  It’s a perk, really.  Count it as paybacks for all those late night feedings and changing of diapers.

    –  Never wear hoodies into a bathroom stall.  (see yesterday’s post).  I don’t want to talk about it.

    –  In the eyes of your teenager, you know nothing.  They think you’re more like spongebob than like Yoda.  I hear that turns around sometime later, but I’m still waiting for that one.

    –  Start your marriage with someone you are crazy about and every so often, remember why you are crazy about him.  Laugh. A lot. And yes, sometimes relinquish control of the remote….I said sometimes. It makes for a great marriage.

    –  Be happy.  With who you are, right now.  With your kids.  With life.  There are no do-overs.  You get only one shot at this.  Make the most of it.

    –  Last one.  45 is not old.  Not even close.  I may be over half way done, but watch out….because I’m just getting started.


    The featured image above is one of my favorites…here she is a freshman in college a few years ago!  

    Although time seems to me more like ths pic below of her on her inchworm.  Where did the time go?!  

    The bold link above will take you to her delightful blog.  I’m sure she would love to have you as a follower!


    On her beloved “inchworm”…



  • Birthdays…

    I was talking with my younger son and his family during their recent visit at Thanksgiving.  We were sitting in my living room watching television when he looked at me with a somewhat surprised look.  We had been talking about birthdays.  “Mom!” he said, “you’re going to be SEVENTY next year!”  ”

    “Yessss?” I answered.

    He agreed that I neither looked my age nor acted it thankfully.    I can also remember the exact time when I realized that my Mama was aging…that she wouldn’t be young forever.  That I would not have her forever.  I think it helps my kids that I think young and try my best to feel that way!  I’m thankful that on December 1, I entered my last year in my 60’s with joy and thankfulness…for I do have a lot to be thankful for!



    I’m thankful that 45 years today, my precious daughter was born!  What a joy and blessing she has always been.  I’m reposting this video about my amazing baby girl from my blog, “My Southern Heart…the Memories”.  Enjoy!



    My Amazing Baby Girl…

    It was December 1969 and our special Christmas gift arrived two weeks early…a beautiful baby girl. She was born fifteen and one-half months after her big brother. We were blessed and so thankful to have two healthy babies. What a wonderful time this was in our life…Enjoy the pictorial video below of the first few years of my daughter’s life.