The Kid…

I loved the movie The Kid starring Bruce Willis.  A Disney movie released in 2000, The Kid is a drama-comedy-fantasy about a 40 year old miserable – but successful – image consultant played by Bruce Willis.  Through magic, known only to Hollywood, Bruce’s character meets himself as a ten year old boy and the story of his life evolves.  It’s a great story.  Much like seeing the house you grew up in…years later…and saying you “remembered it being larger” or wondering how all of you fit into 3 small bedrooms and 1 bathroom.  Or seeing the backyard you played in with the big tree you climbed in and, somehow, it was all so much bigger back then. Remember the stages in your life when everything seemed so urgent – as if there would never be enough time for anything else?   If you could go back and tell yourself anything at one of those stages of your life, what would you say?

  • I’d tell two year old Dianne that someday there would be grandchildren who would actually favor her a little bit.  I’d also tell her to hang on to the ball even when the photographer asked for it back.  Apparently, he did and I told him “no, you have one”!


  • I would tell 5 year old Dianne that she and her niece Sharon would always be together like sisters.  She would miss her when they lived far apart but they just had to call and the other one would come.


  • I’d tell nine year old Dianne to “run” and not let Mama cut her bangs anymore.  In any case, I’d reassure that one day soon she could grow her bangs out – or not – just as she wanted to do!

Dianne about age 10 years

  • I’d tell thirteen year old Dianne that while it was true she would never be any taller than 5’4″ tall, she wouldn’t always be wearing a training bra!

Dianne age 13


  • I’d tell 18 year old Dianne that even if that was “the style” back then, to let her hair grow out!




  • I would tell 26 year old sleep-deprived, busy, happy mom of two Dianne to enjoy every single moment of these toddler years.  I would tell her that they were going to grow up altogether too fast and to enjoy the journey.  I would also tell her that all her children were going to grow up every bit as special as she dreamed they would.




  • I would tell 39 year old Dianne, mom of a 5 year old creative entertainer, to believe him and encourage him when he said he was going to grow up and take over a well known television show one day.  He is certainly headed in that direction!




  • I would remind thirty-four year old Dianne to treasure every moment with all four sisters together!  The sad day would come when two of them would be in Heaven much too soon.

4 McGregor girls3


Through it all, I know enough to know that God is in control.  The Dianne of today knows not to take anyone or anything for granted…to enjoy each and every day.  I may not know what the future holds…but I know WHO holds the future!  


Enjoy a glimpse of THE KID below…


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